Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the humpty dance is yo chance to do da hump

day 26, hump day...cant believe the trip is over half done

26 days
13 countries
1 day with out shaving
0 cokes
0 haircuts
1 pack of cigarettes purchased
40+train rides
9 overnight trains
0 box springs on beds...could make a fortune with a ship load of those suckers
0 calls home...know if i make 1 call, will want to call everyone i know
1 hotel with wash cloths
1 box of stuff shipped home...another in the making
#? cheap beer consumed...less than zou would imagine...but whose counting
lots of nice people-new friends along the route
at least 6...close encounters with cyclists...have not been hit-run over yet
seems like 100...castles toured
2 bratwursts mealson the street...still best value meals and mightz tastz

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm really gonna hug you tight when you get home!
